Mengubah kek menjadi seni

ZOOM team mencuba mencipta keajaiban dalam kelas ‘piping’ bunga daisy Korea ‘Piping’ Bunga Korea adalah satu teknik ‘cake decorating’ khas di mana buttercream mempunyai kilauan ...

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The Art of Malaysian Curry: A Tapestry of Spices and Flavors

In the heart of Southeast Asia, Malaysia’s culinary landscape unfolds like a rich tapestry, woven with vibrant threads of spices and herbs. At the center ...

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Durian Diaries: Demystifying the King of Fruits

In the realm of fruits, durian reigns supreme in Malaysia, a country that celebrates this thorny, pungent delight with passion and pride. The durian, with ...

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From Plantation to Cup: The Journey of Malaysian Tea

Amidst the rolling green hills of the Cameron Highlands, under the watchful gaze of the Malaysian sun, lies the lifeblood of a nation’s cherished ritual: ...

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Nasi Lemak: Unwrapping Malaysia’s National Dish

In the culinary heart of Malaysia, where flavors collide and coalesce, stands a dish that is emblematic of the country’s complex cultural mosaic: Nasi Lemak. ...

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Top Patisseries and Bakeries to Indulge in Kuala Lumpur & PEtaLING JAYA

In the bustling heart of Kuala Lumpur, a city that pulses with a blend of rich traditions and vibrant modernity, there exists a culinary circuit ...

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The Melting Pot of Flavors: An Exploration of Malaysian Street Food

Malaysia stands as a beacon of culinary diversity, a place where the aroma of spices and the sizzle of woks fill the air with a ...

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De Luscious: The Pinnacle of Alcohol Cakes

When it comes to desserts, there are certain classics that never fade. Think of the decadent blend of chocolate and Baileys— a timeless favorite for ...

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Banjir Mendadak: Dua Pusat Pemindahan Diaktifkan di Batang Padang, Muallim

SUNGKAI: Menghadapi kemarahan alam dengan banjir mendadak, sebanyak 13 keluarga terpaksa meninggalkan rumah dan kehilangan ketenangan. Daerah Batang Padang dan Muallim menjadi pusat perhatian apabila ...

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Hamas Bebaskan Tawanan Warga AS

GAZA (Wilayah Palestin): Pada hari Jumaat, kumpulan Hamas telah membebaskan dua warga Amerika, di antara kira-kira 200 tawanan yang diambil semasa serangan pada 7 Oktober ...

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Janji Pembangkang Di Pelangai Tidak Realistik – Khaled

BENTONG – Mengikut Khaled, pembangkang mungkin kesulitan untuk memenuhi janji-janji yang diutarakan kepada rakyat semasa kempen pilihan raya di Pelangai disebabkan mereka bukan bagian daripada ...

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